Blue Monday at Smiling Sally's. That’s where you want to go to see all the wonderful blues. I think everyone likes blue; I’ve never met a soul who doesn’t like some shade of blue.
To participate, this week, I grabbed my camera and walk through my house; blue-hunting.
The very first blue I found is in Mrs. Chick’s dress. This is an original painting by artist Linda Norton. Linda has some whimsical designs based on stories; fairy tales, actually (no wonder I love her work!). I was blessed to obtain this painting, perhaps 10 years ago and I really love this sweet picture.
My dear mom knows how much I love birds and birdhouses and got me this tall blue painted one for my last birthday. It has ceramic birds attached, if you look closely you can see them. At the moment, this bird-mansion is in my front room atop my red table.
This giant blue mushroom was a Christmas gift from my youngest daughter, Lilly. She went to one of those “paint it yourself” pottery places and designed this one for me. The very best gifts I have ever received are the ones created by my children.
A trip into the kitchen found Lilly preparing Italian Meatloaf for dinner; her idea! Way to go Lilly. I love when someone besides me prepares dinner!
Here is another painted piece by Lilly intended for her Grandma and her husband, Grandpa Jack. They live in Arizona and it was not ready in time for Christmas. I hope they will like it for Valentine’s Day!
Lastly, I am showing these Talavera crosses purchased on a trip to Puerto Vallarta a couple of years ago.The crosses were small enough and light enough to bring back with me. I drooled over all the pottery found there and imagined doing a complete bathroom out of it; similar to this.
And, for the end, this is only appropriate..
Have a wonderful Blue Monday and a wonderful week!